Ms. LeTina Guice
Director of Field Experiences/MPE Sponsor
Walter Washington Administration and Classroom Building Office #116
As you enter into your practicum experiences in the field, beginning with course- based observations and culminating with student teaching, we would like to welcome and congratulate you on your decision to become future educators.
Student teaching is a challenging and dynamic process. You and your students will learn together as you become immersed in the daily life and culture of your school and its community. You will encounter the school’s curriculum, a source of information that is continually modified and adapted and revitalized by emerging theory, practice and research. You will work in the “real” world while reflecting on how to move toward the goal of creating your future classroom.
Office of Field Experience Resources
- Admission application to Teacher Education
- Student Teaching Application
- Office of Student Teaching & Field Experiences Handbook
- Information regarding Praxis
- Foundations of Reading for Mississippi
- Mississippi Educator Career Continuum Archive (MECCA)
- Guidelines for Mississippi Educator Licensure K-12
Liability Insurance
All teacher candidates entering into practicum courses and their senior year of student teaching must purchase liability insurance, such as those policies offered through the pg电子下载 State Student National Education Association (SNEA) or Mississippi Professional Educators (MPE).
SNEA Sponsor:
Dr. Katera Blackburn
Assistant Professor
MPE Sponsor:
Ms. LeTina Guice
Director of Field Experiences